How to Shoot a Compound Bow in 6 Simple Steps

how to shoot a compound bow

Learning how to shoot a compound bow takes some substantial amount of time and practice. Bow shooting or archery is both challenging and fun. It is a practice that has been around for thousands of years, and people have been trying to master the art for equally as long. But, with new equipment like the compound bow on the market, the challenge that comes with this kind of sport becomes insignificant. Shooting a compound bow is easier compared to shooting a traditional bow and arrow, but that does not mean that it is just a walk in the park.

Unless you are already a veteran with the sport of archery, there are several steps you need to master for you to shoot a compound bow correctly and with some degree of accuracy. Before you start reading these tips, make sure you are already familiar with your compound bow parts. If you are a beginner and still looking for a good first compound bow, or you are a pro archer looking to upgrade your equipment, make sure you read our reviews to grab the best compound bow for beginners and pro archers.

A good compound bow for young archers and adult beginners is the Infinite Edge Pro by Diamond Archery, as it has unlimited adjustability, and it comes with everything you need to shoot it straight out of the box. Make sure you check out the full detailed Diamond Archery Infinite Edge Pro Compound Bow Package review on Bowgrid.

How To Shoot A Compound Bow in 6 Easy Steps

Here are 6 simple steps you can follow to learn how to shoot a compound bow.

1. Put the Mechanical Release on

The very first step an archer need to take while preparing to use a compound bow is first to attach a mechanical release. The mechanical release is also known as a release aid. This is a piece of equipment that its importance in shooting a compound bow should never be underestimated. You will use this release to ensure the accuracy of the trajectory of your arrow. It is fitted with a trigger and will enable you to forego your fingers to release the arrow. It ensures a speedier bowstring release along with minimal torque placed on the string.

You should make sure that you wear the release on your dominant hand. It’s attached with Velcro straps wrapped around your wrist. You should always ensure that the Velcro is tightly wrapped around your wrist and it’s firmly attached. After wrapping it correctly, you can now pull the string back and hit the trigger on the release. You may have heard that some hunters shoot without using a release. Yes, this is true but why should you not use it? Using the release keeps your fingers more comfortable and reduces wear and tear on your bow as well.

2. Nock the Arrow

Nocking the arrow is a rather simple process. When you correctly nock the arrow, it will contact the bow at two points, and that is the rest and the string. This ensures that during the shooting process there is no point that the arrow will come into contact with any other surface that will make it go off course. You will find that there is a majority of archers that try to reduce the hustle associated with nocking by choosing a ‘whisker biscuit’ release. With any other arrow rest, the arrow will seat itself on the top of the rest. Once you’ve got the arrow in place, you will have to rotate it until the uniquely colored or the brightly colored vein is facing the sky.

The next thing you are supposed to do next is nock onto the bowstring at the center of the string loop. Make sure that you listen for a distinctive click when the arrow knocks into the string. Keep pushing if you fail to hear the click. Once you hear it and the unique vein or the brightly colored is facing upward, you are now ready to move to the next step.

3. Hold the Bow

Have you ever held a compound bow before? Well, it’s rather intuitive, but to prevent any injury, it’s worth going over this. The way you hold your bow and the way you stand is important while shooting a compound bow. Choose a shooting spot that is perpendicular to your selected target. However, you should not worry much if your spot is not exactly perpendicular. Your shoulders should be aimed at the target while the feet shoulder-width apart. One shoulder-feet should be positioned a bit forward than the other.

Once in the resting position, you can now remove one arrow from the quiver, position the nock against the bowstring and listen for the click. Place the other end of the arrow on the arrow rest. Once the arrow is nocked, then it is a good time for you to attach the release while holding the trigger in a position that will not result in any accident firing.

4. Draw the Bow

This is one of the most vital steps in shooting a compound bow. You are not ready to draw the bow until you make sure that you have properly followed all the steps outlined above. Typically, drawing the bow simply means pulling the string back, but you are going to regret it if you have not properly followed the instructions above.

When pulling the string back, the bulk of your power should come from the muscles in your back. The best way for you to do this is by pulling the string back in one motion by squeezing the shoulders together. This gives you a smoother shot and reduction of muscular strain over the muscles on the arms. Your arm should lightly rest around the bow. Over-gripping the bow may lead to using excess torque which may result to potential misfiring.

5. Aim the Bow

This is one of the most challenging parts when it comes to shooting a bow. It gets better the more you practice. It becomes even easier if you install a peep sight. In addition to the peep sight, you may want to include a forward sight. Forward sight is usually attached at the very front of the bow and includes a pin and a level. Close one eye and use your dominant eye to look through the peep. Once you’ve aimed correctly, you are now ready to take the shot.

6. Fire the Bow

Finally, this is the last step. After following all the other steps above correctly, now you can release the arrow and watch it fly away. Remember to be fine and not to twist your body when you are shooting. Once you feel the thrill as you watch the arrow fly away, you will want to do it again and again, and soon it will become a hobby.

How to shoot a compound bow: practice, practice, practice! 

Shooting a compound bow might seem arduous especially if you are doing it for the first time but once you learn how to follow the steps, it will feel easier. After some time, you’ll master the art, and you will be shooting without a thought in the process. The more you practice, the more you become an expert and aim better.

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